
Why is mindset the new psychology of success?

Carol Dweck, a Stanford University psychologist, summarizes In her book "Mindset, the new psychology of success", decades of research on how a person's mindset affects achievement and success.

There are two mindsets: Fixed and Growth.

Fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, intelligence or talent, are good enough to creates success—without effort. These types of people feel defeated after a failure and step away from challenges outside their comfort zone.

In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. These success factors support continuous learning and a resilience that is essential for great success.  These types of people view challenges and failures as opportunities to learn and grow.  This mindset is the hallmark of achievement and a key to success.

We all have some shades of both growth and fixed mindsets, depending on the situation. Cultivating a growth mindset will improve your ability to succeed in all areas of life. Learning a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. It affects how you lead, manage, parent and show up in relationships. Think about how you last approached a challenge: with curiosity for what you could learn, or by thinking about how you might appear if things went wrong?

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Daily Micro Coaching

Rocky listens and interjects questions to guide you in achieving your best self.

Reflect on your day and strengthen your mindset to effortlessly reach your goals.

In your daily reflection, your contribution can either be inspired by Rocky or you can share directly your thoughts.

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Goal Tracking

Rocky keeps you motivated whilst you grow.

Rocky helps you track your progress and set follow-up tasks, which holds you to account in an encouraging, fun and uplifting way.

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Personal Development Plans

Rocky rewards you at the end of each session with bite-sized learning pills, taken from hundreds of books.

This specific content is tailored to your unique growth path and will refine your soft skills, boost your wellbeing and leverage your personal and professional success.

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Success Habits & Tips

Rocky rewards you at the end of each session with bite-sized learning pills, taken from hundreds of books.

This specific content is tailored to your unique growth path and will refine your soft skills, boost your wellbeing and leverage your personal and professional success.

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