
Communication Styles & Communication Definition

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another.

Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. This may sound simple, but communication is actually a very complex subject. The complexity is why good communication skills are considered so desirable by employers around the world: accurate, effective and unambiguous communication is actually extremely hard.

There are four categories of communication which all need to be championed.

  1. Spoken communication and verbal communication - You cannot plan ahead what you will exactly say in a spontaneous situation. However, you can set up your strategy of communication ahead. Defining the most important points and the preparation for possible questions and their best answers.
  2. Written communication or emails - How do you want to deliver your message? What is your intention behind? What is the interest and need of the receiver and the target audience?
  3. Non-verbal communication - Body language, gestures and how to act. Rocky will assist you with many tutorials on how to behave and these will appear once they make sense in you coaching sessions.
  4. Visual communication - What colors, what tone and what impact those visuals have on your communication partner. Reflect upon last events and remind yourself what worked well.

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Daily Micro Coaching

Rocky listens and interjects questions to guide you in achieving your best self.

Reflect on your day and strengthen your mindset to effortlessly reach your goals.

In your daily reflection, your contribution can either be inspired by Rocky or you can share directly your thoughts.

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Goal Tracking

Rocky keeps you motivated whilst you grow.

Rocky helps you track your progress and set follow-up tasks, which holds you to account in an encouraging, fun and uplifting way.

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Personal Development Plans

Rocky rewards you at the end of each session with bite-sized learning pills, taken from hundreds of books.

This specific content is tailored to your unique growth path and will refine your soft skills, boost your wellbeing and leverage your personal and professional success.

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Success Habits & Tips

Rocky rewards you at the end of each session with bite-sized learning pills, taken from hundreds of books.

This specific content is tailored to your unique growth path and will refine your soft skills, boost your wellbeing and leverage your personal and professional success.

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