DATA DELETION INSTRUCTIONS does not store personal data and information as your email address is only used for login and for sending you updates and notifications for using the app. No information of yours is shared with third parties.
We created this Data Deletion Instructions page to give you help how to disconnect your account and delete any personal data.
If you want to delete your activities with the app, following these instructions:
- Go to your App and sign-in.
- Go to the ” ... > Profile “ or "Profile" page.
- Within the "Profile" page open the "Account" section.
- There you can find an "Account Delete" option that you can click,
- Then a pop-window will ask you to confirm the account removal and data deletion.
- Click "Yes! Delete Account" or "Yes! Unlink Account" to start the deletion process.
If you have problems with the process you can send us an email to with the request to delete your account and the email address that you used to create the account.